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eFiling Help

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  1. Registration
  2. Technical Requirements
  3. Creating a Document
  4. Trade Secret Information
  5. Signing a Document
  6. Four Steps to Submit a Document
  7. Confirmation of Submission
  8. Acceptance of Submission
  9. Technical Failures
  10. eService

1. Register to eFile

Who needs to register: To submit new documents, you must be a registered user. You do not need to be registered to search and view documents in the eDockets search repository.

Register only once: As a registered user, you may submit documents for any entity you are authorized to represent. For example, Perry Mason is employed by XYZ Law Firm. Mr. Mason should register under XYZ Law Firm and then may submit documents for any of his clients using his one account.

Registration: In order to submit a filing using the eFiling application, you must be a registered user. Complete the registration form and submit. Your User ID and a temporary password will be sent to the email address you provide.

Forgot my password: If you forget your password, click forgot password and you will be assigned a new temporary password. Please do not register again.

Update my info: To update the information on your registration. Click the Update my profile link . You can not update your email address. If your email address changes, you must create a new registration.

2. Technical Requirements
In order to submit documents using the eFiling application, you must have:

Internet Connection: A high speed internet connection is recommended for users uploading or downloading large files. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above is recommended, but the application supports other browsers as well.

User Info: A User ID and password are required to submit new documents using the eFiling application.

File Format: The eFiling application only accepts documents in a PDF or Excel format. Whenever possible, the PDF should be created from the application of origin. Scanned PDF’s should be avoided and submitted only when the document is not available in its original format. Scanned documents increase the file size and reduce the accuracy of full text searching. Adobe Acrobat, PrimoPDF, Win2PDF and Cutepdf are just some examples of software available at little or no cost to covert documents to PDF. The agencies do not sanction or support these products in any way.

File Size: Document size is strictly limited to 10MB. If the Document is larger than 10MB, split the document into logical parts (e.g. existing document sections) so that each part does not exceed 10MB. Up to 10 documents of up to 10MB may be part of a single submission.

3. Creating and Saving the Document:

  • In general, documents should be created using a 12 point font that when printed fits on an 8.5 x 11 page.
  • Documents should be converted to PDF from the original file format. If it is necessary to scan a document, the scanner should be set to 300dpi.
  • For large documents (exceeding 10MB) split documents into logical sections and identify them accordingly using the additional information field.
        For Example: Part 1 of 2, Appendix A
        Part 2 of 2, Appendix B-C
  • Name your PDF or Excel file and save it in a location on your computer where it is easy for you to browse and select. In order to eliminate the inadvertent selection of a draft or previous version of the document, you may want to save the document to an eFiling folder.
  • Append Small Documents: The cover letter and service list should be filed along with your document as long as the document size is less than 10MB. Most PDF software products have an append feature that allow you to connect these small components into one PDF document.

4. Trade Secret Information: Trade Secret information must be filed electronically. It is the sole responsibility of the filer to remove all trade secret data from the public version and properly identify a trade secret document during the submission process. Trade secret documents will be listed in the search results but will not be viewable.

When creating the public version of the trade secret document, delete all trade secret information. For example, do not change to a white font or place a highlight over the trade secret to create a public document. Copies of public documents are often saved to the local desktop and reformatted for inclusion in another document. Trade secret data may appear upon reformatting if it was hidden instead of deleted in the public version.

5. Signing your document

  • When the document is finalized, sign it using the electronic signature method following:
         /s/ Perry Mason
  • eFilers are encouraged to print a paper copy of the document submitted and have the person responsible for the filing create an original signature next to the electronic signature. This document may be retained for the course of the proceeding should there be any challenge as to the validity of your electronic signature. This document should be retained by the eFiler and not submitted to the PUC or DOC.
  • The eFiling application tracks the User ID of the person using the eFiling application for submission of the document to the PUC and/or DOC. The electronic signature represents the person responsible for the document, not the submitter.

6. Submit a Document: In order to submit a document using the eFiling application, you must be a registered user. There are 4 easy steps to successfully submit a document.

  • Step 1 - Verify User Information: If the user information displayed is correct, click next. If not, select Update My Profile and make the necessary changes.
  • Step 2 - Document Information:

First, you will be asked if the document you are submitting relates to a Docket that is:

a. Existing

b. New Docket

c. Not Sure

If you choose existing, you will be asked to identify the industry (Energy or Telecom) and provide the docket number (year and sequence only, e.g. 09-554).

If the document to be eFiled relates to more than one docket number, choose More Dockets to add the additional docket numbers.

Next, you will be asked to identify the document. “Document Date” is the date on the cover letter or other date on the document.

Then, select a document type from the drop down list. If the choices available do not seem appropriate, choose “other”.

“On Behalf of” is the name of the entity you represent with this submission. If you are from a law firm, “On Behalf of” is the name of your client.

  • Step 3 - Select Documents for Upload:
  • Click on Browse to find and select the document you would like to submit. Indicate if the document is public or trade secret. If you selected “other” as a document type in Step 2, the additional information field in Step 3 is required. Otherwise, use additional information only if necessary.
  • Additional Information Field: The additional information field can be very helpful in clarifying the nature of your document. Here are some examples of how to use the additional information field:
Document Type Additional Information
Testimony of Perry Mason
Initial Filing Supplemental
Comments Part 1 of 2
Comments Part 2 of 2 and Appendix A
Other Witness List
  • When the description is complete, click the Add to List button and the summary information will appear in the selected documents for upload table. If you’ve split your document due to size limitations, you can browse again and add the next part of the document. You can browse and upload up to 10 documents with a maximum file size of 10MB per document. Note: If you upload a trade secret document the system will require you to upload at least one public document in the same submission.
  • Below is an example of Comments that exceeded 10MB that were split into 3 logical sections for upload in one submission.
Document Type Additional Information
Comments Part 1 or 3
Comments Part 2 of 3
Comments Part 3 of 3
  • It is not necessary to restate the “On Behalf of” name or type of document in the additional information field.
  • Selected Documents for Upload - Review the documents you have selected for submission. If you selected a document in error, choose delete to remove the document from the upload list. Please review your selections carefully. It is your responsibility to properly identify trade secret documents. Once the list is accurate, click next to continue.
  • Step 4 - Upload Document Summary
    This step displays a summary of all the document information you provided and a list of the documents you are submitting for upload. You may view the documents you have uploaded one last time by selecting View or correct errors in document information by selecting change. Once complete, choose Submit at the bottom of the page.

7. Confirmation of Submission: After you select Submit, the next screen will provide confirmation of your eFiling. This screen also provides a submission number which can be used in eDockets Search to view your submission. Retain this information using the printer friendly option to save an electronic or paper copy.

8. Acceptance of your Submission: You will receive an email notification when your submission has been accepted.

Submissions are accepted when:

  1. there is a viewable document attached to the submission; and
  2. the document is appropriate and related to public utility regulation.

Acceptance of your submission does not indicate timeliness of the filing or agreement by the agencies as to the content of the document. If the submission has been rejected, an email notification will provide a reason. Please note if there is reason to reject any of the documents included in a submission, the entire submission will be rejected.

Transcripts are a document type listed in your search results that are viewable only to state agency users via the web. To view the content of a transcript, non-state agency users must make an appointment to review the document at the Dept. of Commerce, 85 7th Place East Suite 500 St. Paul, MN, or contact the court reporter to make other arrangements.

Amending an eFiled Document
First notify the Electronic Document Management Center at 651-539-1538 or 651-539-1531 if it is necessary to amend an eFiled document.

  • Once the document is eFiled, it cannot be changed or deleted. If you find there is a page missing or an incorrect page in the eFiled document, you will need to eFile an amended document. The amended document should note that it replaces the original. The original remains in eDockets to reflect the actual course of events.
  • If the original public eFiled document is later found to contain trade secret information, file a new public document with the appropriate corrections. This document should identify that it replaces the original public document which contained errors. Then immediately call the Electronic Document Management Center at 651-539-1538 or 651-539-1531 to have the original document designated as trade secret.

9. Trouble Shooting:

  • If you are not able to upload your document, please check this setting that has caused upload failure in the past.

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 822753

Solution: Change Internet Explorer Setting per the following steps:

  1. In your Internet Explorer, go to Tools from the menu bar
  2. Select Internet Options. This will open the Internet Options dialog. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Scroll down to "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages".
  4. Clear the check box next to this.
  5. Hit OK.
  • What to do if the eFiling application is not accessible/available:

There may be an occasion where a registered user is unable to access the eFiling web site or application due to technical problems, thus preventing submission of documents via eFiling. In this event, users may hand deliver a CD-ROM containing the PDF file(s) to be submitted to the PUC at the address below. Documents received under this procedure are considered filed upon delivery at the PUC offices. Documents received after 4:30 pm will be considered filed on the next business day. The agencies are not responsible for any document not received because of a failure in the user's computer system or delivery mechanisms.

10. eService:

  • What is a Master Contact List?
    The Master Contact List is a repository of names and contact information for members who may have been associated with a service list. Names can be added to this repository by any registered user. The eService system will alert you if there is a duplicate entry. Users may not remove a name from the master contact list. Contact the PUC at eService.admin@state.mn.us if there is a problem with an entry in the master contact list.

  • Creating and Modifying a Service List:
    Create A New Service List: Users are encouraged to create, name and save new service lists within the eService system. Companies can create general service lists by selecting members from the master contact list, uploading a list from another source or adding a new member to the master contact list.

    Modify A Service List: You can modify any list you have created by selecting Manage Service List. Search for the list, select it from the results and modify the list. If there is an address change for a member of the master contact list, the member must notify the PUC so they can make the appropriate change to the master contact list.

    Add A PDF Of Any Saved Service List To Your Document: Go to Manage Service Lists to search for the appropriate service list. Select from the list of results and choose view. Then, you can print the page as a pdf and append it to the document to be eFiled.

  • Using eService to serve parties through the eFiling System:
    The eFiling system has a new eService feature which provides the option to serve parties at the same time your document is eFiled.
    1. Go to manage service lists and identify the appropriate service list to be used. If there is no service list (as in the case of a new filing) you will need to create a service list.
    2. Make a PDF of the service list and append it to your document along with the certificate of service.
    3. Now you are ready to eFile the document. Describe the document to be filed in Step 2. The application will select the appropriate service list(s) in Step 3, based on the docket number you selected in Step 2. So, it is important that you identify the correct docket number. There is a docket look up feature if you need assistance. You may add additional service lists in Step 3 if you wish, but you may not remove the designated service list.
    4. You may opt out of the electronic service option of the application by selecting Skip Automatic Service. If you choose this option, the application will not assist you in serving parties.

If you elect to serve parties electronically, please note there may be some parties who require paper service. It is your obligation to serve these parties via US Mail or personal service. In addition, all trade secret documents must be served to parties via paper. eFiling constitutes service on the PUC and DOC for public and trade secret documents.

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
121 7th Place East, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55101

Minnesota Department of Commerce
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
March 2009